So its an early night for me. D has to be at work at 7 am...and I'm just now leaving him. Why he chooses to drink and fuck the night before work is beyond me...but I'm not complaining.
1) I say some dumb shit. For example, when somebody says something and I missed it, or didn't understand I say "what happened". That shit doesn't even make sense, how come I can't just say "What did you say" or "Pardon me kind sir".
2) Older men are really sexy. I need to get me a muhfucka who is between like 36-42 who can fuck the daylights out of me. I bet he'll be able to do it...all them years gotta have him experienced. I need to make that happen. Call it a bucket list...of sorts.
3) I've said it once, and I'll say it again. I do not like gay people. I know I know...we shouldn't ostracize and discriminate in our own community and all that bullshit. But this has got to stop. My school had its biggest game of the year called "The Classic" and it was full of the little homos. They're just obnoxious and "in your face". Fuckin queens.
4) These black boxerbriefs look good as hell on me...if I do say so myself. That's probably why D almost ripped them muhfuckas off. I should wear them outside and see if I can get lucky. Please don't judge me man. But I'll understand if you still do.
5) Cold Phoenix...the peach ciroc doesn't really taste like Robitussin, but its not all that either. This shit taste like some wanna be coconut Ciroc. I wasted my damn money. But don't get confused my black ass is still drinking on it...I'm getting my money's worth.
6) My co-worker is as good as fucked...or at least sucked. His fine ass has one more time to try to flirt with me and he is getting the business. I just wanna test drive them pretty ass lips one time and I'll be satisfied. I'm only afraid his dick will be sub-par...for him to be this fine there has to be something wrong. I bet he can barely get it up.
7) I really want Cogito to be my classmate and we can live in the same residence hall. That shit would be awesome. And I want the rest of you guys to be the ones I eye rape in the caf and library.
Just wanted to hit you with something...I'm trying to do better. But i can barely hold this damn computer anymore and using this mouse pad is becoming increasingly difficult.