Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Celibate Chronicles: Trey Ain't Getting None- Part 2

Sexual frustration describes the condition in which a person is in a state of agitation, stress or anxiety due to prolonged sexual inactivity and/or sexual dissatisfaction that leads him or her to want more sex or better sex, or a state in which he or she is perpetually sexually aroused.----- Yep thats me

First off I'm going fuckin insane...who knew dick could be an addiction.  It has been about 2 and a half weeks since I've gotten some.  And this shit is already starting to effect me.  I usually have to run off of a fuck a week...if not two a week. So not having shit in two weeks is pushing it.  Don't get me wrong, I've gone two weeks without it, but I had the flu and shit.  This is different, this is by choice and my ass is going crazy.

Every time I have  little dry spell I turn into this, for lack of better words, unpleasant person.  Not intentionally of course, but sexual frustration has a habit of carrying on into other parts of my life.  When this happens my dad calls me a "smart mouth rude bastard".  Which is funny because I'm that shit all the time anyway. LoL  But I guess its more severe when I'm not getting any. I'm trying to last at least a month, but damn these muhfuckas around me are not making it easy.  I have received some hot ass BTW shots, and some freaky ass voicemails and shit.  I find myself getting on hard at the slightest damn thought.  I've been finding more and more people attractive.  Its like if you have a dick, you are sexy....that shit has to stop!!!!

I have one question though:  Does giving head count?  I mean, I know people say oral sex is sex and all that bull shit, but does it count in celibacy.  I ask this as a question of community service and philantropy.  They say if you don't use it, you lose it.  And my head game somethin serious, and I feel I would be doing a disservice to man if I don't share the experience.  And the first person I get my hands after this shit is over is going to get it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Okay, I'm reading this post on my phone while waiting at the Sec. Of State and I'm dying laughing! Ppl looking at me all crazy. Trey, I sympathize with you man, I really do! I'm the same way when I go a few days without busting a nut. I seriously think I have an overactive Pituatary Gland (or is it, Testes?) because a nigga's Testosterone levels be through the roof! Especially when you have aaaallll the power in the world to get u some. Smh.

    And no, Oral doesn't count as far as I think. But I do think it can be dangerous to your drought! It's like Lay's Chips. You can't just eat one. Before you know it, you're on your back hitting high notes!


  3. I agree with cogito on the chips (I read his every post by the way). head is like going to the cinema to see only the trailers before the movie. good luck with that.

  4. I'm trying not to laugh, really I am...but it's not working. It's only been two weeks, man. I've found that focusing on other things helps -- and I don't mean porn lol.

    And go ahead & try to just give head...end up with your back blown out
