Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I Enjoy This Shit

I really enjoy being bisexual, and the entire closeted lifestyle as a whole.  Weird...I know.  But just hear me out.
I have experienced more in this lifestyle than I think I would have if I would have never been a part of it.  I have also learned a greater sense of acceptance and tolerance for all people.  I increasingly become more open-minded and understanding.  Not just of the lgbt community, but of all walks of life. Being a part of a community already so frowned upon, although closeted, it would make no sense for me to pass judgement and hate to anyone else.

I'm not saying that heterosexual people are not capable of this level of understanding, I'm just saying I have come to this place very fast.  In the past I was a person who was quick to judge and point the finger. I completely ignored "He who is without sin cast the first stone".  I was chucking damn stones everywhere. However, as I slowly came to terms with my own sexuality and stopped beating myself up over it, my eyes opened. I used to act like I was the only person in this entire world who was going through my inner turmoil of my sexuality...among other things.  As I realized that my situation was not uncommon, and there were other people in the world going even worse struggles I somehow became a better put it simply.  I wasn't an asshole, per say, but I was stuck in my ways.  Now I don't judge the stripper or the drug dealer.  Just how I think lowly of them and their lifestyle, there are double the amount of people that feel the same about mine.

Being closeted isn't that bad either.  I've always been a private person, its in my blood.  So, being dl is like second nature to me.  Even if I was straight or out, I probably wouldn't display any aspects of my love life.  And to be perfectly honest, I enjoy the excitement of it all.  For example, being out on a "date" with a dude and no one around you really knows whats going on is enticing to me.  I know some of them know whats up, but I'm referring to the general public. Just like being involved with a guy and having mutual friends who haven't the slightest clue about what goes on when we are alone.  This blog has been much needed therapy for me.  May sound kind of corny but, this shit is like home to me.  I can communicate with people like me...something I don't have the luxury of in my everyday life. For that, I want to say thank you for reading, giving advice, and providing some good laughs.


  1. Bisexuality is something I contemplate a lot. I seriously think that every other part of my body is straight but when it comes to my Dick, it only works for guys...

    I can definitely recognize and appreciate the aesthetics of a Women. I even know that I'm a "Boob Man". But I have never ever had the sexual desire to motor-boat some titties or fuck a girl in the slightest...

    Is that weird?

    And if I WERE into Women at all, I would be getting more pussy than the law allows. I say this with no Ego, but a lot of women try to throw me some. *sighs* can't we just cuddle? Lmao


  2. Just found your blog..You are a real interesting dude

  3. Appreciate the love lj!!!

    @Cogito- Thats not weird at all, sometimes people are just not sexually attracted to people they are attracted to in every other way.

  4. Nice that you came to a place of acceptance.

  5. Yeah it is. But I'm still not exactly there yet. I'm getting better and better
